Solutions & Pricing

Low-Cost, Effective Solutions to grow your business

  Essentials Professional Dominate Enterprise
Interested Interested Interested Interested
Website Design & Management
Custom Website Design
Mobile/Tablet Formatted
Basic Search Engine Optimization
Managed Hosting Services
Domain Name(s) Management
Multiple Office Integration
Optical Educational Content
Optical Eyewear Gallery
Appointment Request Module
Electronic Patient Forms
Patient Testimonial Module
Email/Phone Support
Email Accounts 5 15 50
SSL Trusted Certificate
Monthly Website Promotion
Vue Care Media
Social Media Management
Website Integration
Social Profile Creation & Branding
Auto-Post Optical Content
Custom Social Postings (Weekly) 2
Digital Presence Management
Business Listing Management
Enhanced Content
Standard Listings Network
Publisher Suggestions
Review Monitoring & Notification
Review Response
Monthly Reporting
Social Marketing Management
Personal Digital Marketing Specialist
Facebook Ads Management 1
Monthly Report and Review
Search Marketing Management
Personal Google Certified Specialist Optional
Keyword Research Optional
Google Ads (PPC) Management Optional
Monthly Report and Review Optional
Search Engine Optimization
Keyword Research
Link Building
Monthly Reporting
  Essentials Professional Dominate Enterprise
Interested Interested Interested Interested